Incarnational Ministry

The Missional Church – Part 1: The Missional Nature of God

Missional Living Homework from Last Week

  • Identify at least two people groups or geographical locations in your city or neighborhood to which God is looking to “send” someone.
  • List areas in your life that may need to change for you to be able to say, “Here am I. Send me!” What is the first step you will take to overcome each hindrance?


Is our direction


How we go

What we do as we go

The Incarnation

John 1:14 a  (The Message)

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.

John 20:21

As the Father has sent me, So I am sending you.



We cannot demonstrate Christlikeness at a distance from those whom we feel called to serve.”


Identification & Surrender

(Philippians 2)

With and for


  • How would you describe the concept of proximity? What about the concept of presence?
  • How does this influence the way you think about where you live and how you live?

Missional Living Homework:

  • Ask yourself, Am I in close proximity to those to whom God has called me? What will I do this week to encourage proximity? Identify one way to experience greater proximity and act upon it.
  • Ask yourself, Am I experiencing incarnational “presence” with those I live near? Do I identify and understand the fears and concerns of those around me? Now determine one way to experience a greater level of presence and act on it.