The Table a Christian house church in the South Metro area of the Twin Cities. Click around the site to get a feel for who we are – if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions feel free to contact Pastor Greg by email, on facebook, twitter, or even by phone.
To be a community of disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus as we live, love, and work in the world around us.
Core Values
Create God is a creative God, and we are created in his image. Through hospitality infused with joy, we strive to create environments and spaces for people to meet God and express who God has made us to be.
Connect God exists in community; each of us needs relationships with other human beings and with God. We value family and friends, working to incorporate those we don’t yet know – in authentic relationships with us and with God.
Deepen God’s desire is that we mature and grow; as a community, we will encouragingly nurture one another toward transformation so that our lives are increasingly marked by the fruit of the Spirit
Share God loved the world so much that he gave his only son; Jesus has sent us to tell others about who God is and what he has done in our lives. Through hospitality and in relationships, we will share the love of God with the world – inviting everyone into this mission that has been given to us.
Ministry style
Casual, as real-life and doable as possible. Our structures will build life not sap it away.