
The world around us feels like it is crumbling and almost nothing seems certain, until we look to Jesus and see that our Hope is very clear and certain. He didn’t just give us salvation—Jesus is our salvation and the example of what it means to live in the fullness of grace and truth. What the world needs is His redemption, the very redemption and hope that lives inside of us. Rather than shrink back, it is time to love like Jesus loved, serve like Jesus served, pray like Jesus prayed, and pursue holiness like Jesus pursued it. This February 5-6, join this global gathering of women across denominations, generations, and cultures as we come together in the name of Jesus.

ALL women are welcome! Childcare is available. Talk to Jeannie or Kari for details or register at https://ifgathering.com/localgatherings/ifthe-table/

Date Time Place

Friday 2/5 7pm Saturday 2/6 9am
At Jeannie Hutchinson’s home: 107 Victoria St. N. Saint Paul, MN 55104